Q&Onboarding Final
The final design sprint made clear that the target group preferred the ranking system over the type of car. The final version of the Q&Onboarding, based on the tests, would therefore include the ranking system. However, I needed to make changes to the design because it lacked some details. The tests showed some issues about the layout and flow. In this section I will elaborate the last changes and show the final design of the Q&Onboarding.
Final development
Personal data : My info
One of the participant mentioned that there was no possibility to skip the personal step. These days, privacy is something that need to be taken into account very seriously. Therefore, some users might not be interested, or do not feel secure, by filling in personal data such as their names and the fact that they have children. As the personal data only is used for the questions later on (to fill in the defaults) it is not a big problem to let users skip this part. Because of this I added a 'skip' button at the bottom.
Another issue I found out by creating the scenario's, is that some users might have children, but are mature already. The scenario of the middle aged man, should have an answer to the question with the option of : My children are mature. Based on that information, the system no have a better understanding of the user and, for example, does not have include family cars.
The second question about the monthly budget had no big issues. Only one participant was a bit confused about what kind of budget to fill in. To make this more clear, I stated the question more specific. Instead of 'What is your monthly budget indication?' I stated the question like: 'What are you willing to pay for you car per month?'.
As I stated in the introduction, the ranking system should be improvement. Firstly, the ranking categories were not universal, as sustainable and consumption were too similar. Therefore, I needed skip one category and decided to skip sustainability because a low consumption automa This meant I had only four categories left, which I wanted to increase to five again. To do so, I had to find another category that could indicate certain levels in the ranking. I found out Peugeot used differentiate between comfort and technology. Comfort contained everything that increases the driving experience and technology contained everything that made driving more easy and safe. As both two aspects can be divided in different levels, I chose to change luxury in to comfort and technology. In follow up, these new tables arise:
Category: Capacity
1 or 2
SUV's & Station wagons
3 or 4
Middle class
City cars
Category: Technology
1or 2
Level 3 packaging : Premium edition
3 or 4
Level 2 packaging : Advanced edition
Level 1 Packaging : Standard edition
Category: Comfort
1 or 2
Level 3 : safety and assistance Premium
3 or 4
Level 2 : safety and assistance Advanced
Level 1 : safety and assistance Standard
Category: Consumption
1 or 2
< 5 liters / 100km
3 or 4
5 ≤ 7.5 liters / 100km
≥ 7.5 liters / 100km
Category: Power
1 or 2
< 10 sec to 100km/h
3 or 4
10 ≤ 15 sec to 100km/h
≥ 15 sec to 100km/h
Fuel and Transmission
The fuel and transmission question, also, had no big issues. The only thing it lacked, was the option of an electric. As the Peugeot, Citroën and DS do not provide a wide range of electric models, but do have multiple hybride cars, I decided to add the electric option in combination with hybride.
Driving situation
At the driving situation, more important problems occurred. The three options: Private, Business and Both did not cover the whole situation. I already added a follow up question to travelling on business and both, but I only asked for the distance for travelling from on business. Whenever someone travels for private reasons, there should be option for a calculation as well. Therefore, I made three situation for calculation. In the occasion of private I ask the following question:
On weekdays I drive : [ Fill in amount of kilometers] Kilometers
At weekends I drive: [Fill in amount of kilometers] Kilometers
On holidays I drive : [Fill in amount of kilometers] Kilometers
Whenever someone chooses for travelling on business I asked the follow question:
The distance between my home and work is : [ Fill in amount of kilometers ] Kilometers
I work [ Fill in amount of days ] Days a week
I work [ Fill in amount of days ] Days at home
In the last situation, whenever someone uses their car both private and business all the questions are stated.
On weekdays I drive : [ Fill in amount of kilometers] Kilometers
At weekends I drive: [Fill in amount of kilometers] Kilometers
On holidays I drive : [Fill in amount of kilometers] Kilometers
The distance between my home and work is : [ Fill in amount of kilometers ] Kilometers
I work [ Fill in amount of days ] Days a week
I work [ Fill in amount of days ] Days at home
Whether they need to find out the distance between home and work, or home to other places, at every moment the users are able to calculate the distance with the google maps integration.
The feedback about the selection page differed. One participant was questioning if there was more to come or an option to see more results, whereas another participant did like the selection with only three models. Using only three models make it more easy to make a comparison people, and in addition, I can use persuasion techniques. By using the anchoring method, I could simply label the middle with 'popular' or 'best chose'. One participant even suggested to do that. The goal of the client is to sign as much contracts as possible, for this reason I chose to use only three models and use labels to persuade users.
The participant reacted positive on the model cards. The fact that for every model the specifications are shown made it easy for the participant to compare the models. Also, the differentiation between the prices were clear, so the participant easily could see difference.
Link Stadsauto: http://nubisbanners.nl/Paul/Framer/Stadsauto/index.html
Link Hatchback: http://nubisbanners.nl/Paul/Framer/Hatchback/index.html
Link Gezinsauto: http://nubisbanners.nl/Paul/Framer/Hatchback/index.html
Last updated
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